Register with the General practitioner

Do you live in zip code area 3524? Then you can register as a patient.

Would you like to register more than one person? If so, please fill out the form separately for each person.

For children, please note:

  • For children ages 0-11: parent/guardian must sign.
  • For children aged 12-16: parent/guardian and child must sign.
  • For children aged 16-18: child completes the form on his/her own and provides his/her own signature.

    Personal data:

    [group groepgeboortenaam]



    Contact details:

    Emergency contact:



    [group groepapotheekanders]


    Previous general practitioner:

    Do you give permission to request your medical file from your previous general practitioner?



    Do you give permission to the general practitioner to make your data available for consultation by other healthcare providers


    Can we send you an annual email with a number of questions about our practice and services?
